Sobre macaca, macaca-de-auditório, macacal, macacão, macacar, macacarecuia, macacaria, macaco, macacoa*, macaco-adufeiro, macaco-aranha, macaco-barrigudo, macaco-cabeludo, macaco-da-meia-noite, macaco-da-noite macaco-de-bando, macaco-de-cheiro, macaco-inglês, macaco-japonês, macaco-narigudo, macaco-patrona, macaco-prego, macaco-prego-do-peito-amarelo e TI.

quinta-feira, janeiro 12, 2006

Top 10 - As experiências Científicas Mais Bonitas

Coisa de nerd, eu sei, mas vale apena. Tem videos com animações demonstrando as experiências.
The common wisdom held that white light is the purest form (Aristotle again) and that colored light must therefore have been altered somehow. To test this hypothesis, Newton shined a beam of sunlight through a glass prism and showed that it decomposed into a spectrum cast on the wall. People already knew about rainbows, of course, but they were considered to be little more than pretty aberrations. Actually, Newton concluded, it was these colors — red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet and the gradations in between — that were fundamental. What seemed simple on the surface, a beam of white light, was, if one looked deeper, beautifully complex.